Saturday, June 29, 2013

Silence is Golden

The sound of birds chirping, flying by, happily eating from the well positioned bird feeder, trees gently rustling in the morning wind.  Ah, the quietness of a morning without distracting sounds or voices from my husband, dog, computer or television.  Ah, SILENCE IS GOLDEN.  How did that phrase become so popular and where did it actually originate?  Well, I'll touch on that later on, but for now, silence, quietness, peacefulness, calmness, a sense of well-being, and relaxation.  These are the things I'm concentrating on for this blog post. 

I felt so blessed this morning as I sat out by the pool, admiring the surrounding and thanking God for his lovely provision of our new home.  As I heard the birds, I stopped for a moment and realized that I felt a familiar calmness that I hadn't felt in awhile.  Not that my days are without calmness, yet, it just felt familiar, and continued when I came back inside to have my morning iced tea.

Yes, I figured it out.  There was no one around me - our lovable golden retriever was chasing bunnies in the yard, and my husband was away.  All I could hear were birds, a plane or two, passing cars in the distance, and a special type of silence that brings peace to my heart and soul.  That familiar sense that I felt was that of being alone - being single - with no one else in my home except little 'ole me.  It felt good, no, it felt great!  Don't get me wrong, I don't wish to be single/alone, I love my husband and love marriage; however, I also love solitude to recharge.  I've often explained to friends that I am both extrovert and introvert at times.  Extrovert is my stronger characteristic, but that introversion and need for one-on-one time with myself becomes prevalent every now and then.  It hits me WHAM - right in the forehead - and WHAM - need that individual space NOW - WHAM or no WHAM.

I'm grateful that my husband has had a few days away, which is so rare I can count the times on my hands.  I sometimes laugh, because he can wrap verbal circles around me in minutes (meaning - he talks much more than I do!).  It is good for him and his well-being and personal interests, and it is very good for me and my well-being and interests.   I noticed yesterday that I was allowing myself time to be creative and not feel guilty that I needed to go pack or unpack, clean, organize, or to do something productive.  Rather, I allowed myself to slow down, calm down, breath slowly and deeply, listen to the silence, and allow creativity to take its fair place in my day.

I've always been a person that needed to recharge by myself.  From the time I was a toddler, I would retreat to the family rocking chair to relax, be alone, console myself, fall asleep, or work out my frustrations.  I am still in love with rockers, and now the added recliner function makes me relaxed and happy as well.  My family and friends understand this about me, and graciously offer me the rocking chair in a room- (thanks everyone :-).  Of course, I have a few older cousins who can tell childhood stories about me rocking so hard that I would knock holes into the wall (wow, must have been terribly frustrated, and my parents allowed this?!).

Okay, back to SILENCE.  I've recently decided to pursue writing a book, not just pondering whether or not to start one, etc, etc, but consciously made the decision and began writing in the mornings when the house is quiet (hubby still sleeping usually).  Oh my, it is such a special time of day for me.  I get into "the groove" of writing and away I go.  It's my time, without distractions.  Iced tea to sip on my end table, trusty laptop on my lap, and light iced blue office walls to calm and relax the environment.  Ah, now, imagine sitting near the ocean, feel the breeze, smell the moist ocean air, the waves softly breaking on the shore.  Yes, "in the groove" and away I go.

Today is just one day, and it's just now beginning.  Silence breaks into additional noises (timer shouts "time to take dog to Vet" - "get out the door lady!").  The interruptions begin, but hey, I can handle them, because the quietness that pervading my morning has enriched and recharged me.  

Hello day - hello all.  Blessings to you. 
